They were both excellent sleepers. She was not. They both were content to stay in bed in the morning and look at books until I was ready to go in to them. She was not. They were both fantastic eaters. She was not. They were both snugglers. She was not. They were both Mama's boys. She was not. They were very needy. She was not. And the differences only seemed to intensify as she grew.
For the first three years, she rocked my world. Everything I knew with my boys, she did the opposite. Everything that worked so well with the boys, did not work with her. Things my boys got in trouble for, they only got in trouble for it once. Things my Lillie got in trouble for, she got in trouble for it again and again and again.
And again.
Truth be told. I had gotten prideful. I figured the obedience in my boys was a direct reflection of my great parenting. Before our salvation in Christ, I had also struggled with Logan. He did not listen at all. Some of it was his age, but I was going down the road of reasoning. With an 18 month old. I often left friends' houses in tears because I found myself reasoning with him to help his friends clean up or to get his shoes on. Or to leave. I was reading a book called, Positive Discipline. The premise was to tell the child only things they COULD do and never to say NO. The little sinner in him loved that I felt very out of control and that only gave him more. Once we were saved and I began to grow in God's way of raising children and after many older women coming alongside, we began to teach and train Logan God's Way. Amazing. It was the first time I had stepped out in obedience to God's Word and I watched the blessings flow. Once Cole came along, we had it down pat and both boys responded so well to God's Way of teaching and training. Two very sweet and obedient boys in tow, I had begun to think it was me. How great my parenting was and I had forgotten to give God the glory for the wisdom. I often joke, that's when He decided I was to have a Lillie.
We moved away from our church in Beaufort shortly after her first birthday. And it was shortly after that, that her little personality truly began to bloom. She was a runner. A runner away~er. From me. She never knew a stranger and would go to anyone who had a heartbeat. We half-joked that we would one day find her picture on a milk carton. I just remember always looking for her. I looked for her at home, at church, in stores, in the park. Always looking. Always asking her brothers, "Where's Lillie??" We'd always find her. Usually with a person and very content. She also loved to be alone. By herself. She could entertain herself for hours. Our "I love you"s were followed by, "OK" or "I know." She seemed to be in another world even when she looked at you. And eventually that "world" was dubbed, Lillie Land, and I didn't like it. She didn't eat well. She didn't stay at the table for meals. She always stood on her chair and had to be reminded to sit. She always took things that didn't belong to her. She pestered the boys. She was always in the ER. We made trips for busted lips, busted chins, and more busted lips. Walking into the ER one night, the check in nurse saw her and said, "Lillie! Good to see you again. How old are you now?" To which Lillie proudly replied with dried blood all over her Ariel Wedding dress up dress and her fancy click-clicks, "Free!" The nurse laughed and said, "Wow. You made it to 3." She never slept past 6am and she rarely took a nap longer than 45 minutes. She ran around the room at ballet when all of the other dainties were clinging quietly to their mothers' hands. She wouldn't let me fix her hair and rarely did she let me pick out her clothes. She always seemed to be a mess and I just couldn't let it go. When she pushed, I pushed back. She came into a room and left a room the same way…with a wake behind her. She always seemed to be in trouble for something and she always seemed to be "meeting me in the bathroom." {Code for a spanking} Where the boys were very remorseful for what they were being disciplined for, Lillie just seemed stone cold. Where the boys obediently submitted to receive their punishment, she ran around the bathroom crying and clinging to her bottom. Where the boys needed hugs and reassuring afterwards, Lillie just wanted down. Everyday felt more and more like a battle and everyday I lost a little more joy in my mothering and in this girl I had prayed for. I was embarrassed and didn't know where to turn. To admit that I was at a loss to any of the new mothers in our new city was not an option. Instead of drawing near to the One Who made her, I chose to go at it alone.
God never let ME go though. I knew what He said and I knew she needed to come under our authority. I knew her struggle with her Dad and I at a young age would only lead to even more difficult struggles at an older age. I plowed ahead. Doing the things I had done with the boys and continuing to struggle with this daughter I had prayed so diligently for. I knew that He had answered a prayer, that He had a plan for her and I thought all I had to do was fit her into my mold and image of what she should look like and it would all work out. I used words like quiet, gentle, and little lady. I forced her to do hair, to wear matching clothes, to stay in her bed in the mornings, to hold my hand while we walked, and to be still. I would force her to be the daughter I thought she should be. A chicken.
By God's Grace, we received orders back to Beaufort, SC and back to the church where we had first heard the Gospel, had first seen how great marriages could be, and had first been taught God's Word. These women knew how to raise babies and they loved it. They found joy. Just being back with them and under their teaching, encouragement and love, gave me a renewed resolve to press on with teaching and training Lillie. By this time, our fourth child had come along and she was everything I thought that Lillie was going to be. She was an easy baby, very loving, very needy, and such a joy. So Lillie still baffled me. She still pushed my buttons and she still caused me such great frustration. One particular hard spell with Lillie, I was listening to Mothering From the Heart on the radio. Our pastor's wife was doing her weekly question and answer show and I broke. I wanted to know. I needed direction. I wanted someone to know. I needed help. Practical help. I called. I still remember how nervous I was to ask my question live, so I dictated it to the person on the phone, hung up, and waited for her to answer. Because I didn't give too much information, her answer was pretty vague and a million, "But what if….?"went through my mind. I had to talk to her in person. I don't remember how I actually got that time alone with her, probably cornered her after church one day, somewhere, but I got that time. I was able to ask her my "What ifs…?" and she listened. She asked questions, she listened some more, she probed my heart, she gave me practical tips and options I had not tried and she encouraged. There were tears in my eyes as we talked because of the conviction in my heart. The draining conviction of three years of carrying a burden for a little girl who I was trying to change. She gave me such practical advice that day but what stands out in my mind and in my heart more than anything were the words, "First, you need to be on your knees for this little girl. This little girl that God created. He can give you wisdom to raise her; He created her. He created her this way and you need to first be praying that you do not change her…." I don't remember much else after that.
My heart wept.
Pray you do not change her.
God made her this way.
It was like I had been kicked in the gut and hugged all in the same moment. I had been trying to change her. I had been trying to fit her little square personality into a round hole. I was not embracing her joy for life. I was not noticing her creative mind. I was missing moments to dance. I was stomping out her little spark. I had been trying to "fix" all of the things that I didn't understand. I had been trying to make her not Lillie Grace instead of trying to understand a Lillie Grace. The words, "God made her this way," broke through my hard and prideful heart. He was the One Who had answered the very prayer for her and yet, I did not go to Him for the wisdom once she came. He was the One Who knew her every thought, her rising up and her sitting down and was intimately acquainted with all her ways, and yet, I never went to Him for wisdom. I never sought His help.
From that moment of clarity, I never looked at my Lillie Grace the same. I knew she needed to be taught and trained to come under our authority so eventually she would see her need to come under God's supreme authority and her need for a Savior, but now, I would seek to know her and how that teaching and training looked for her. I saw and embraced her joy. I treasured her sweet spirit. She's made it to 11. I would love to tell the ER nurse from so long ago, "…and in style!" I am in awe of how she sees life. She has learned to become more loving and tell her family she loves them. She gives hugs more than ever. I am more deliberate in my words with her and I know now to step back sometimes and let her go. She smiles with a joy that fills my heart. She dances like no one else is looking. She makes us laugh and she makes herself happy. She can be totally content to be alone in a crowd and we lovingly admire her time in Lillie Land. With age, she has gained that self control of the Holy Spirit and in time He has shown me ways to let her go or reel her in. Teaching, training, raising, and loving her still feels sometimes as if I am putting together a 1000 piece puzzle without having the box top to look at. But I know the One Who holds her box top. I will look to Him in my mothering of a Lillie Grace. He has been very faithful in my mothering of a Lillie Grace. Sometimes she is the very person I wish I could be. She is not a chicken. She never has been. And I'm sorry Lillie Belle. So sorry for missing that. Go. Be a peacock Lil.
You my beautiful friend are one of God's many treasures! Our journey as mothers is just that, a journey. Our children are going to grow and so are we each step of the way. However, as long as he is guiding our steps, things will be as they should be. You are a light and beacon to them, your husband and those around you. Never let self doubt take that light, keep shining sweet friend! Xo